Naked Luke Bailey in Cirque De Celebrite

Luke Bailey flashed his beautiful naked ass in a scene from the TV series Cirque De Celebrite. He is best known for his role as Sam Bateman in the show Casualty.  He than worked on the show Waterloo Road in 2009. Since than Bailey hasn’t been around much. It is a shame because we enjoy seeing this hunk of a guy.

See More Nude Luke Bailey


Shirtless Busta Rhymes

Shirtless Busta Rhymes is a rapper, producer and has also done some acting. Rhymes is probably best known for highly skilled rapping technique, which involves rapping at a much faster rate then others. He has received eight Grammy nominations for his musical work.

Busta Rhymes Naked Here

Michael Jai White Shirtless

Shirtless Michael Jai White is one fine actor. I will watch anything he is in. While checking him out I just found out he just began a new web series, Mortal Kombat: Legacy. I have personally never watched a web series but because White is starring in it, I may just check in to it.

Michael Jai White Naked Here