Shirtless Lawrence Saint-Victor is best known as a Soap Hunk from the show Days of Our Lives, playing the character Remy Boudreau. Since the show ended in 2009, Saint-Victor has had small parts in a couple of movies but he hasn’t moved on to anything where we could see him on a regular basis. It is a shame because he is totally ripped and in this scene we can imagine getting wet and wild with him!
Shirtless Male Celebrities
Nude Ashley Walters aka Asher D
Naked Ashley Walters aka Asher D is in a great sex scene from the film Bullet Boy. What an awesome position she is in! It leaves to the imagination what he has in the package department!
See Ashley Walters Nude
Mehcad Brooks Shirtless and Ripped
Mehcad Brooks is on the move again. He went from Desperate Housewives to True Blood, then to two quickly canceled shows The Deep End and My Generation. Now Mehcad has been tapped for a USA pilot called Necessary Roughness. Brooks is one of the hottest black male actors out there today and was reportedly in high demand. Hopefully Necessary Roughness and Mehcad make it this time!